Saturday, May 29, 2010

Todd and Chrissy Crawford

I met Todd or Lt. Crawford, if you will, 2004 in Iraq. He was the executive officer for the company I was in while we were stationed in Mosul. My interactions with him militarily or as a civilian have always been good.


What I am learning to appreciate about the Maine Army National Guard is the sense of extended family. So when Todd approached me to shoot his wedding, I was honored and jumped at the chance.

Todd and Chrissy embraced the Army idea in their wedding, not only by having it on Memorial Day weekend, with a Saber toting Honor Guard, but with the little things. The man who married them was a chaplain in our unit in Iraq as well. A man who was wounded when a suicide bomber detonated in our crowded chow hall. The Tunic he wrapped there hands in is his issue the Army crest ever visible.

The flower arrangements were yellow, picked by the bride to be a symbol of the yellow ribbon. Welcome to the Army Mrs.Crawford. We are glad your in our extended family.

Crawford Wedding

All said and done it was a great day and I was proud to be a part of it, I sure hope the pictures will reflect that.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Prints for sale

Winters Song

Well the next step in Petriemax Photography is selling prints.

My favorite is to photograph people. I really enjoy it, everything too. The weddings, the babies, senior portraits all fun for me. What I don't do enough of is landscapes and abstract stuff, but as I have said I certainly don't want to become a one-trick photographer so here it goes. All of my landscape prints are on sale and will soon be posted under the client login from

Any of my other prints may be for sale depending on which print and it's intended usage.

Here are a few more to try to reel you in, I hope you enjoy.

Portland Headlight
